
Wigmore’s Biannual Meeting

12 February 2020

Founded in 2011, the Wigmore Association is a collaboration between eight Family Offices that are global leaders in wealth management and provision of diverse services to families located in different parts of the world.

The CEOs and CIOs, who meet twice a year, were at our office in São Paulo for a week with several conversations and lectures on relevant topics, such as: Brazilian economic and political panorama, Climate Change, the Venture Capital and Private Equity market, opportunities in Infrastructure, Impact Investing, and the stock market in Brazil. In addition, they collaborated on the best practices in the Wealth Management market.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the meeting: Biofilica Investimentos Ambientais S.A., CAC Consultoria Politica, Gávea Investimentos, Kapitalo Investimentos, Monashees, Pátria Investimentos and Visagio.

It was a pleasure to receive you!

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